
Sonnedix launches its largest solar farm in Italy

Image: Sonnedix

Renewable energy producer Sonnedix has launched a new photovoltaic plant in Aprilia, near Rome. 

With a production capacity of 50,000 MWh per year, the plant has the capacity to supply clean energy to more than 16,000 households. 

Spanning an area of 30 hectares and equipped with more than 50,000 photovoltaic modules, Aprilia 1 contributes significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions, saving more than 25 tons of carbon dioxide every year thanks to solar energy.

With a capacity of 27.9 MWp, this project is Sonnedix’s largest plant in the country.

Mario Volpe, Sonnedix’s representative director for Italy and head of growth, Southern Europe, said: "Sonnedix has almost 500 MW operational capacity in Italy and the goal is to reach 1 GW operational capacity in the next 18 months. 

“We are pioneers in the development of agrisolar plants, which combine green energy production with agricultural activities, and we want to demonstrate how innovation can integrate with tradition to create a sustainable future.”

Sonnedix currently has a total capacity of over 10GW, including a development pipeline of more than 6GW, across Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Spain, USA and UK.


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