
Link bridge lift latest milestone for £1.3bn Manchester Airport transformation

Image: Manchester Airport

A 216-ton, two-storey link bridge has been moved into place at Manchester Airport’s Terminal Two, as work continues on a £1.3bn programme to transform and modernise the terminal. 

The bridge will connect the existing terminal building to a new ‘pier’ currently under construction, which will offer extra aircraft gates, stands and seating.

More than 270 pieces of steel went into constructing the new bridge, comprised of metal decking and 150mm concrete slab flooring. 

The 90ft long, 33ft high bridge was pre-assembled on the airfield over the course of three months and then moved into its final place last week using a giant shelf-propelled motorised unit, a process which took eight hours. 

The Manchester Airport Transformation Programme (MAN-TP) is scheduled for completion next year and will see Terminal Two more than double in capacity. 

Around three quarters of the airport’s passengers will use the new-look terminal when it is completed. 

Firms working on the link bridge included Mace, which is overseeing the second phase of the MAN-TP project, and its supply chain partners, Martifer, Bethell, AMCO, LPL Construction Services and DGP.

Jill Fraser, MAN-TP programme delivery director, said: “We’re delighted to mark another major milestone in the delivery of the Transformation Programme. 

“Installing this link bridge was a massive undertaking and it was incredible to watch such a huge piece of infrastructure carefully lifted into place, precise to the millimetre. 

“Millions of passengers will soon be using this bridge every year as they leave the new-look departure lounge and head towards their gate, ready to board their aircraft and jet off on their journeys. 

“In designing the new Terminal Two, we have put detailed thought into each and every element of the passenger journey to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish, and we can’t wait to share it with our passengers next year.”

Click here to view a video or the link bridge installation.

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